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Total matches for trees: 86

AD0111:  Sunset from Clingman's Dome, Great Smoky Mountains Nati
AD0222: Autumn reflection, Boundary Lake, Cherokee National Fore
AD0246: Maple in fall foliage, Great Smoky Mouuntains National P
AD0417: Sweet Gum on the Middle Saluda River, Jones Gap State Pa
AD0478: Wind-swept trees along the Tanawha Trail, Grandfather Mo
AD0625: Middle Prong of the Little Pigeon River, Greenbrier are
AD0634: Red Maple, Cherokee National Forest, TN, Autumn
AL0174: Sugar Maple (Acer saccharum) and Sourwood (Oyxdendrum ar
AL0175:  Hardwood Forest (Sourwood, Oak and Maple dominant), Oco
AL0185: Table Rock Mountain reflected in Lake Oolenoy, Table Roc
AL0196: Autumn foliage reflected on Boundary Lake, Cherokee Nati
AL0217:A light layer of rime ice coats the trees on an autumn da
AL0237: Mixed hardwood forest, including maples, oak, and sourwo
Catawba Rhododendron, Black Balsam area, Pisgah NF, NC, June
Clearing storm viewed from the "Hangover" Joyce Kilmer-Slickrock
Clearing storm viewed from the "Hangover" Joyce Kilmer-Slickrock
Dogwoods blooming on the Pigeon River, Cherokee National Forest,
Dogwoods on Middle Prong of the Little River, Great Smoky Mounta
Dogwoods on Middle Prong of the Little River, Great Smoky Mounta
Early autumn view at dawn from Max Patch Mountain, Pisgah Nation
F00199:  Fraser Magnolia (Magnolia fraseri) Blossom, Magnolia Fa
Flowering dogwood (Cornus florida) and Birch, Great Smoky Mounta
Max Patch, Pisgah National Forest, NC, Spring
Middle Prong Little River, Great Smoky Mountains National Park,
Middle Prong Little River, Great Smoky Mountains National Park,
RD0104: Split rail fence, dogwoods, and redbuds along pedestrian
RD0162: Flowering Dogwood at Carter Shields Cabin, Cades Cove,,
RD0163: Flowering Dogwood at Carter Shields Cabin, Cades Cove,,
Rime ice coats the trees along the Buckey Ridge, Max Patch, Pisg
SD0101: Second Falls on Yellowstone Prong, East Fork of the Pige

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