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Total matches for ice: 59

AD0285: Big Creek, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, TN, Autu
AD0286: Big Creek, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, TN, Autu
AD0288: Big Creek, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, TN, Autu
AD0288: Big Creek, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, TN, Autu
AD0344: Sunrise view from Rough Ridge on the Tanawha Trail, Gran
AD0716: Cascade on Shanty Spring Branch, Grandfather Mountain St
AL0217:A light layer of rime ice coats the trees on an autumn da
AL0237: Mixed hardwood forest, including maples, oak, and sourwo
Appalachian Trail marker on Max Patch on a misty early morning,
Chattooga National Wild and Scenic River at Bull Pen Bridge, Nan
Chattooga National Wild and Scenic River at Bull Pen Bridge, Nan
Clearing storm reveals Stone Mountain in Cherokee National Fores
Early autumn view at dawn from Max Patch Mountain, Pisgah Nation
Full Moon over a garden bench in the Bald Mountains, NC-TN, wint
Hikers on the open meadows at Max Patch Mountain, Pisgah Nationa
Linn Cove Viaduct as seen from the Tanawha Trail on Rough Ridge,
Mt. Sterling in Great Smoky Mountains National Park looms above
Rime ice coats the trees along the Buckey Ridge, Max Patch, Pisg
SD0101: Second Falls on Yellowstone Prong, East Fork of the Pige
SD0607: Hiker enjoying the view from Blackstack Cliffs along the
SD1063: Sunrise view from Albert Mountain on the Appalachian Tra
SL0240: Catawba Rhododendron trunks (Rhododendron catawbiense) i
Sunset view from Max Patch, Pisgah national Forest, NC, Autumn
View from Max Patch of Mountain Layer covered in Rime ice and Fo
View from the Craggy Pinnacle Trail, Great Craggy Mountains, Blu
W00101:  Winter Dawn along the NC-TN state line with the Great S
W00136: Snow-coated Buckeye Tree (Aesculus octandra) and Fence a
WD0223: First light on mountain meadow, Tennessee-North Carolina
WD0226: First Light on Round Mountain in Cherokee National Fores
WD0258: Appalachian Trail at Max Patch, Pisgah National Forest,

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