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Total matches for outcrop: 37

AD0458: Sunrise View from the Blue Ridge Pinnacle near the Blue
AD0561: View from Blackbird Knob, Dolly Sods Wukderness, Mononge
AD0600: Linn Cove Viaduct viewed from Rough Ridge, Blue Ridge Pa
AD0720: Linn Cove Viaduct, Blue Ridge Parkway, NC, Autumn
AL0118: Colorful Maple leaves on rock outcrop along Laurel River
Carolina Rhododendron at sunrise, Linville Gorge Wilderness, Nor
Carolina Rhododendron blooming at Little Lost Cove Cliffs, Harpe
Clearing storm viewed from the "Hangover" Joyce Kilmer-Slickrock
Clearing storm viewed from the "Hangover" Joyce Kilmer-Slickrock
Linn Cove Viaduct as seen from the Tanawha Trail on Rough Ridge,
Linn Cove Viaduct viewed from Rough Ridge, Blue Ridge Parkway, N
Linn Cove Viaduct viewed from Rough Ridge, Blue Ridge Parkway, N
Mountain Laurel blooming in the forest at Little Lost Cove Cliff
Rhododendron minus blooming on Charlie's Bunion, Great Smoky Mou
Rhododendron minus blooming on Charlie's Bunion, Great Smoky Mou
Rhododendron minus blooming on Charlie's Bunion, Great Smoky Mou
Rock outcrop and flora atop Three Top Mountain, Three Top Mounta
SD0126:  Hikers on Charlie's Bunion, Great Smoky Mountains Natio
SD0128: Hikers on Charlie's Bunion, Great Smoky Mountains Nation
SD0129: Hikers on Charlie's Bunion, Great Smoky Mountains Nation
SD0911: Carolina Rhododendron at Sunset, Linville Gorge Wilderne
SL0101: Wilderness Trail through Natural Garden  Nantahala Natio
SL0118: Catawba Rhododendron (Rhododendron catawbiense), Nantaha
SL0134:  Sunset view from Shining Rock, Shining Rock Wilderness,
SL0149: Carolina Rhododendron atop Hawksbill Mountain at Sunset,
SL0149: Carolina Rhododendron atop Hawksbill Mountain at Sunset,
SL0235: Wind-shaped Table Mountain Pine and Carolina Rhododendro
SL0242: Rock outcrop on Round Bald, Roan Highlands, Tennessee-No
SL0281: Stone Mountain Falls, Stone Mountain State Park, North C
SL0365: Rhododendron minus, Panthertown Valley, Nantahala Nation

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