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Total matches for ferns: 18

AD0558: View from Blackbird Knob, Dolly Sods Wukderness, Mononge
AD0561: View from Blackbird Knob, Dolly Sods Wukderness, Mononge
AD0572: Fern fields, Dolly Sods Wilderness, WV
AD0573: Fern fields, Dolly Sods Wilderness, WV
Beech Gap Forest in Spring Foliage, Blue Ridge Parkway, NC
F00106: Wild Geranium (Geranium maculatum), Geranium family, Pis
F00217: Indian Cucumber Root (Medeola virginiana), Solomon's Sea
Hiking Trail at Craggy Gardens, Blue Ridge Parkway, NC, late spr
SD0130: Endangered Beech Gap forest with grasses and ferns in th
SD0134: Fern forest along the Buckeye Ridge Trail, Madison Count
SD0932: Hardwood forest underlain by ferns, Dolly Sods Wildernes
SD0934: Hardwood forest underlain by ferns, Dolly Sods Wildernes
SD0937: Hardwood forest underlain by ferns, Dolly Sods Wildernes
SL0177: Foggy Forest with ferns in the understory, Pisgah Nation
SL0210: Birch forest with Fly Poison (Amianthium muscaetoxicum)
SL0211: Fly Poison (Amianthium muscaetoxicum) & Ferns in Birch F
SL0242: Rock outcrop on Round Bald, Roan Highlands, Tennessee-No
SL0346: Catawba rhododendron and ferns, Pisgah National Forest,

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