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Total matches for "State line": 10

SD0415: Max Patch Bald, Pisgah National Forest, NC, September
SD0420: Roan Mountain Goldenrod at sunrise, Max Patch, Pisgah Na
SL0242: Rock outcrop on Round Bald, Roan Highlands, Tennessee-No
WD0223: First light on mountain meadow, Tennessee-North Carolina
WD0226: First Light on Round Mountain in Cherokee National Fores
WD0334: Clearing storm on the NC-TN state line reveals Stone Mou
WD0339: Clearing storm on the NC-TN state line reveals Stone Mou
WD0341: Clearing storm on the NC-TN state line reveals Stone Mou
WD0662: Meadow full of Cow Parsnip at the Overmountain Victory T
WD0664: Meadow full of Cow Parsnip at the Overmountain Victory T

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