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Total matches for "South Carolina": 15

AD0417: Sweet Gum on the Middle Saluda River, Jones Gap State Pa
AD0424: Lake Wattacoo, Ashmore Heritage Preserve, SC, Autumn
AD0425: Lake Wattacoo, Ashmore Heritage Preserve, SC, Autum
AD0500: Autumn foliage along the Chattooga National Wild and Sce
AD0505: Chattooga National Wild and Scenic River, Sumter Nationa
AD0518: Chattooga National Wild and Scenic River, Sumter Nationa
AD0819: Fall foliage, Mountain Bridge Wilderness, SC
AL0173: Sugar Maple (Acer saccharum) and Sourwood (Oyxdendrum ar
AL0175:  Hardwood Forest (Sourwood, Oak and Maple dominant), Oco
AL0185: Table Rock Mountain reflected in Lake Oolenoy, Table Roc
AL0236: Middle Saluda River, Jones Gap State Park, SC, Autumn
Fall Reflection on the Chauga River, Chau Ram County Park, SC
RD0133: Fishing lures caught on snag, Lake Wattacoo, Ashmore Her
SD0748: Table Rock viewed from Ceasar's Head State Park, SC, spr
SL0174:  Oconee Bells (Shortia galacifolia), Devils Fork State P

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